Įspūdingos naujienos: Pristatome naujausius produktus!

Įspūdingos naujienos: Pristatome naujausius produktus!

IOMOD 8DI4ROSusipažinkite naujas binarinių įėjimų ir relinių išėjimų modulis! 8 binariniai įėjimai su itin patogia įėjimo įtampa nuo 12 VDC iki 48 VDC ir 4 reliniai išėjimais kurių komutuojama srovė 5A prie 250 VAC esant varžinei apkrovai, Šis modulis sukurtas...

Džiaugiamės „Safetrack” ir „Elseta” partneryste Australijoje

Džiaugiamės „Safetrack” ir „Elseta” partneryste Australijoje

Pristatome " Safetrack"- "Elseta" partnerį Australijos rinkoje. "Elseta" džiaugiasi galėdama pradėti bendradarbiauti su "Safetrack" - geros reputacijos tiekėju, turinčiu daugiau nei trijų dešimtmečių patirtį teikiant produktus ir paslaugas statybų ir geležinkelių...

Elfack 2023 Fair in Gothenburg, Sweden May 9 to 12

Elfack 2023 Fair in Gothenburg, Sweden May 9 to 12

We are pleased to invite you to visit our booth (E02:50) at the Elfack Fair in Gothenburg, May 9-12. We would be happy to welcome you as our guest and show you our latest modular and scalable products such as Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Input/Output (I/O) modules,...

Welcome Nourden as Elseta partner in Jordan Kingdom

Welcome Nourden as Elseta partner in Jordan Kingdom

Signed distributor agreement with Nourden for the Jordan market. I'm pleased with the expanding cooperation with Nourden in the Jordan market. I believe that with this partnership we will be able to better support and present our products and services in Jordan...

Middle East Energy 2023 exhibition in Dubai from March 7 to 9

Middle East Energy 2023 exhibition in Dubai from March 7 to 9

Elseta will be visiting the Middle East Energy 2023 exhibition in Dubai from March 7 to 9, the international meeting point for all professionals in the electrical and energy sectors.We would be pleased to meet you in person and discuss your projects and needs or to...

Elseta in Events 2023

Elseta in Events 2023

Welcome to the year 2023 and here is the list of upcoming business events. We are thrilled to have you here with us today, and we are excited to share with you all of the valuable opportunities we have planned for the upcoming months. From networking events to...