Project at a glance:
Product: ELSETA Mini RTU
Client type: Renewable power plant owner
Plant: 3x PV Plants Ravne 1 and 2 total 300 kW and Residbegovic 150 kW
Location: Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Project solution:
Navitas Engineering and Automation d.o.o. has prepared a DNO-compatible solution to monitor and control power in renewable power plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Elseta mini RTU. WCC Lite communicates locally in MODBUS RS485 with SMA inverters and Schneider PM2120 power meters and sends the data to JP EP BiH SCADA system through LAN using IEC 60870-5-104, but also has a backup GPRS connection.
- Renewable power plant owners can collect and monitor energy production parameters:
Elseta data logger collects all key power plant data from meters, controllers, inverters – Active and Reactive Power, Current, Voltage, Frequency, Energy – and sends data to Control Center Distribution System Operator JP EP BiH.
- Solution meets Distribution Network Operator (DNO) JP EP BiH requirements:
- Collecting from meters and monitoring (solar) power plant parameters: Active and Reactive Power, Current, Voltage, Frequency, Energy.
- Providing remote access to disconnect renewable power plants in emergency situations.
You can contact Navitas Engineering and Automation d.o.o. for your projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina here: